Set up of a Dedicated Server

Dedicated Servers are the most advantageous in terms of control, scalability, privacy and security. This two comes in two categories, managed and unmanaged dedicated servers. While managed servers are most in-demand for their pre-configured ease, the unmanaged provide greater freedom. The unmanaged servers are more or less blank, bare metal servers, requiring set up configuration from scratch. 

- To begin with, look to your server hosting provider if they have an application or software in place that gives access to easy configuration. Or else look for configuration software’s that would ease the process of set-up without having to delve into the world of code while letting you build a customized server.

- The next step is to choose a CPU core. The Central Processing Unit is responsible for running programs and software’s and a core is the most essential unit of a CPU. A core is responsible for a single run and thus, users often look to multiple core options for efficient working of their servers.

- Depending on your choice of CPU core, the server has different storage options amongs HDD and SSD each. With different priority requirements, different disks are suitable for the CPU. For more storage room, HDD proves to be the best option while for faster speed, usually needed for websites, SSD is better suited.

- Next comes the RAM capacity. Random Access Memory of a server depends on various factors that take uo major space. After these necessary spaces are filled, the remaining is usable for the dedicated server user. Operating systems used on the server, traffic on the server may be from within the organization or online customers and memory used up by content management systems and other applications and softwares, take up most of the RAM. To accommodate above factors, picking the right capacity is necessary during the setup stage. 

- Once all the above is taken care of, users can begin to think of working on the server, either from scratch or by migrating already existing user content to the newly setup dedicated server.

At Oxtrys, setting up a dedicated server is the easiest thing to do as we provide the user with all pre-set configurations required for any user, experienced or inexperienced to carry on their workings without any hindrances. We provided managed servers with all the needed customizations in place Did Prince Jin like Princess Jiang? which means, you can breeze through the set process.

Dedicated & Bare Metal Servers for Medium and Large Businesses

Growth, prospective or in real time, can be measured in terms of site traffic, product usage, content engagement and so on. The wider and larger the scope of these parameters will be, the server supporting them would require higher efficiency of performance with greater capacity to grow into.

These things cannot be accommodated in a shared or VPS server hosting because of either compartmentalized virtual space or hardware space properties. A growing business of medium and large scale needs to upgrade to a dedicated server, preferably managed server. A dedicated server hosting gives a business user complete accessibility of the software and hardware system, thus elevating working conditions and customer experiences.

- Better performance

Any medium or large business, with growth, finds their server with shortage of storage space which affects their performance like webpage loading speed, online traffic handling, ability to store large amounts of data or information. When a business expands, all these measures get difficult to handle as data and traffic increases, leaving little to no room in the current server. This in turn reduces the performance graph. 

In a scenario as such, migrating to a dedicated server for more storage, higher speed, efficient processing and stability is the best option.

- Scalability

When a business is in its prime, flourishing rapidly, it needs a infrastructure, physical and virtual that can accommodate the expanding data and information and still keep pace with the current development. A business’ growth matrix is based on its ability to scale vertically as much as horizontally. In terms of cloud computing, this means being able to hold all that the components aiding in expansion in one server which manages to separate them individually.

In such a case, having a dedicated server hosting is an advantageous it can be used according to the user’s or business’ need to scale their growing infrastructure.

- Security

With the rising need to accommodate growth in a medium or large enterprise, the task to keep privacy and maintain security becomes difficult. An expanding infrastructure needs multiple security measures in a shared environment. The risk of keeping this arrangement comes at a cost of losing business which isn’t affordable in terms of growth.

Using a dedicated server removes the root of the problem, that is, sharing servers, which also removes the risk of being exposed to spammers, malwares or viruses. 

Medium and Large enterprises, either in terms of scaling their business or protecting their information, or even providing better customer experience, have to depend on their hosting server’s ability to accommodate these demands. While each server had their own advantage only one server meets all these requirements: A dedicated server hosting.

Dedicated Server Performance

There are three kinds of servers; shared, virtual private and dedicated servers. For a user to choose the best server hosting option for themselves, it is essential to look into the parameters that affect each server’s performance against the requirements of a business.

A shared server uses a resource sharing method to host users and access vps through rdc. This is suitable for small scale businesses and personal sites or data’s but does not focus on fast processing or scalability. The VPS (Virtual Private Server) is known to host multiple hosts on a single server with separate allocations for each hardware component like RAM, storage and so on. 

This is a flexible system as it allows each host a certain room for scalability by reallocating unused resources when needed for a required host. This is a cost-effective method for booming small and medium business but still lacks in terms of security and stability, affecting the overall performance.

A dedicated server is different from the other two as it provides a single user with a complete server system. This means a single server unit, along with all the hardware and software parameters like bandwidth, memory and disk space are owned by the user without any concept of sharing. A user can use this dedicated allocation in any form, virtual machines or single units, making it flexible. Also, sole ownership reduces dependence on the host to provide proper allocation of memory. Moreover, lack of sharing itself means less exposure to malwares and spammers. 

This increases the work efficiency of the user’s business, software or application while using a dedicated server. Control, scalability, reliability, security and privacy are its advantages over other servers. Combined, these factors upgrade the overall performance by adding value to customer experience. Oxtrys takes extra initiative to provide users with managed servers for ease of working within the server.


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