Why is Amazon Cloud Services expensive?

We all know Amazon is a brand, worldwide multinational company. To expand their services, they developed their cloud, known by the name Amazon Web Services or AWS. Throughout the past few years, it has grown to be an important part of the company's portfolio. And due to its reliability, it is in front of all other cloud computing platforms available in the market. 

Understanding AWS:

Cloud computing company Amazon Web Services offers servers, storage, networking, email, remote computing, mobile development, and security as well as a variety of other cloud computing services and products.

It is distributed in three main products. First is EC2, which provides tools for Amazon customers to build virtual machines. Second is Glacier, an inexpensive cloud storage service, and S3, a network management and storage service. 

Amazon Web Services has left all its competitors way behind. And it is excelling day by day in the computing world. Amazon Web Services is divided into 81 regions regarding service zones from which its servers are available.

 Such geographical limits can be set by the user if desired. Thus, users have been targeted to optimize services. It is also responsible for the security of its clients by providing them with various locations to store data. It is currently available in 245 countries and territories altogether. 

In the below para, we had discuss why amazon web service is so expensive. So, please go through it and learn the facts.

Why is Amazon Web Services so expensive?

The main reason that should be considered for its costly services is that it provides the best service any computing can provide.

To find out why it is so expensive, consider the following key points:

AWS is eligible to handle failures:

It has the best portable platform and computer infrastructure, which covers a vast region of services. Moreover, their cloud environment is designed to support even massive failures.

For example, all data is written to multiple disks on different devices in their network, allowing almost the possibility of data loss due to hardware failure. The same thing happens with their network coverage whenever there are a lot of errors that exist and lead to failure. But AWS can cope up with significant losses like this. That's why it stands our best in the market.

Nodes that use EC2 scenarios themselves are not on custom-built servers. At the same time, nodes can be moved from one failed node to another. AWS works efficiently. It gives services like no one can provide.

Provides security

AWS has its security system set up very smartly. It provides a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that allows you to set up your private network in the cloud. Firewall-sized Security Groups protect this all by default. While it is providing such lavish systems, it will lead to high expenses. Focusing only on its productivity should be your priority here.

Storage capacity doesn't come with the package.

When you chose to opt for AWS, you probably chose it for its brand name. Though this super brand provides the best service, it doesn't offer storage in its package. For more storage capacity, you will need to buy it separately. Some people think this way is better as it allows for more room for data and is flexible than those with the package. It may cost a fortune to you but still doesn't get down from proving the best storage capacity.

Almost all other computing services provide fixed storage space, including with their package. The other top two computing services are Azure by Microsoft and Google Cloud. They both have some set amount of storage capacity with their packages. But AWS costs separately for that.

Big brands realize the need to count every option. 

Big brands like Uber use AWS in some of their services. But when scaling up, it uses other cloud services also. Also, it has its data services centers, which have to be controlled. Like Uber, companies that use AWS can negotiate on expenses, but then there's a problem. 

The problem is that even if they optimize with the costs, AWS will not be cheap. It will still be more expensive than all others. They also generate a lot of data at once. So there's a lot to manage for them other than negotiating. Even though they try lowering the expenses, it will affect the services they are currently providing. Also, it will distort the company's overall margin. It will be their loss.


Considering all the services AWS provides us, they are reliable, secure, give proper management, and so on. AWS also allows for a balance of load between states, territories, and regions. That almost no other provider can offer at this price and freedom. As a result of such services, you will find that the cost of AWS compared to other VPS providers is still much higher. 

Now, whether you should choose AWS or VPS depends on the complexity of your application. Moreover, as your future requirements. However, guessing your future needs in the present may prove risky This should be purely your decision. 


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